Tuesday, November 4, 2008

rushmore is awkward stuff.

This movie was the weirdest movie of my entire life. This movie defined the word: awkward. The plot of the movie revolves around the unrealistic characters. Max Fisher ( Jason Schwartzman) who goes to a private academy school because they found talent in him as a younger child. However, he becomes too involved in making different clubs and becomes a failure in his academics. First of all, I don't understand how you can take your time to research how to keep beehives, learn how to fence, make plays but can't study math. Honestly. Ok second, fantasy or realistic, a schoolshould not let a student BLOW UP a set because of a play.

Another thing I dont like about this movie is about how creepy it is. I dont understand how a student can simply fall in love with a teacher because of a quote.... are you dumb? I dont like how Max falls in love so quickly. You could see it by the giant aquarium he tries to make. Second, a teacher should not stop by to talk to a student in front of her house. Third, he tried to get her to kiss him in her house by faking an accident. Forth, the other teacher falls in love with her randomly....

I also dont like the fact that everything that is unreal in this movie, is possible in the movie. I feel like its a movie about someones weird imagination with everyone living in a world where teachers hanging out with students is cool. I guess I dont like this because in the beginning of the movie, they make the school seem so realistic.

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