Friday, October 31, 2008

some kids are dumb.


Honestly, my ratings on elephant wasn't very high. I live through a long school day and I don't need my day to be any longer because of a movie with a kid whose day is just as long. Although the cinematography was interesting because it showed all different types of shots and angles, these shots can not make the day any more interesting.
I was not amused by watching 3 kids run down the same hallway, each one for 5 minutes. This movie based on Columbine was very predictable. Although I wasn't able to tell who was going to die, you could tell who was going to kill. I got impatient waiting for the action to happen. I was upset that it took so long and there was no follow up at the end.

However, this was a very realisitc movie. Many of the students were kids I could imagine in any school. For example, the jocks, the "popular skinny girls", the dorks, and all the nice guys. I could totally imagine all the conversations that were taking place. However, I can not relate to this movie because for me, Great Neck is nothing like this. Because I could not relate to this, I believe it was harder for me to like.

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