Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Anastasia... because im not creative enough.

This weekend I saw the movie, Anastasia. My friends and I were bored, so we decided to hang out in my house and watch a movie. So we went to the library and spent 30 minutes trying to pick out a movie. Happy movies... yeah, we went into the children's library. Haha. As we saw Anastasia we all talked about how much we loved that movie when we were little.. but we all didn't remember it. So we watched it.

What I found funny was that when we started to watch it, my friends and I were talking about how historically inaccurate it was. No joke. We paused the movie and refreshed our minds about the real details of the movie. In the movie, the bad guy was Rasputin. As a 6 year old, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even think of the names. And as his name came up saying about how he was banished from the house, I screamed, "HEY, THAT'S ACTUALLY TRUE." Oh boy. However, at first (since I didn't remember the movie) I was upset at how the movie was accurate for about 5 seconds... But then I realized it was a children's movie. And when I started yelling at a the TV for saying that it was historically inaccurate that the grandmother was alive in Paris, I remembered this movie wasn't real. But instead this movie a clever twist of what could of/should of happened. I find it funny how you can see how different you view movies over the years.

Oh and the fact that the movie wasn't a clique Disney movie was cool too. Instead, this movie actually bought real, HUMAN emotions of betrayal into it. Good job to whatever unknown company made this.


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