Thursday, October 9, 2008

eh. western... eh.

I never thought I would enjoy a western type film… and I didn’t. Honestly, this movie was boring. It was a typical western film. The main character, Marshall Will Kane (Gary Cooper), takes up the whole movie, minus 10 minutes, walking around his town, asking the towns people if they want to help him fight the bad guys. Obviously no one wanted to because who would be crazy enough? And stubbornly enough, all the people (people with no place in society) who wanted to fight, were turned down by Will. Will, stubbornly, fights the bad guys alone, almost gets killed, and then gets saved by his wife. The movie was predictable and boring.

But, again, Mr. Daszenski comes to the rescue to explain what this movie is about. Since I find new things interesting and amusing, this also applies to learning about movies. I think in order to fully enjoy this - or any other- movie you would have to know the time period it was filmed in. A lot of the sub text in this movie had to do with the time period; the 50's a time period where the US believed in pacifism. And after I found out that Will stands for America, everything made a lot more sense. And I started to actually... respect the film. hahaaaaa. But even with this new perspective... its still a boring movie, nonetheless. Sorry, no more movies about walking around a town please and thank you.

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