Sunday, October 19, 2008


Honestly, the mask kinda freaks me out. But so does 99% of all other masks. Anyway, Renee's movie choice was V for Vendetta. I've heard of this movie before, but, for some reason never saw it. I never knew what it was about either, but instantly in the first 5 minutes, I was hooked. I was hopelessly confused but I soon understood.

To me, this movie is about freedom and democracy - how far would you go to defend it? For V it is easy. It's his life. He spent many years plotting on his revenge towards the government. The government that killed its own people in order to gain control . This vengence is his way of showing and bringing back justice from a once great society. Besides all the chaos and killings in this movie, the plot thickens when the other protagonist, Evey (Natalie Portman) develops a particular relationship with V.
The most shocking part of the movie was when Evey was put into the same tortures as V was. Only the torture she was in was all done by V. While underground for some long period of time, the only thing that kept her going was a letter from a girl who happened to be a lesbian. The story, the only thing she had to leave behind, inspired Evey to keep going on. The most disturbing point of this was that V did this because she wanted to never fear again. A powerful statement that at the time, I don't think worked because she was too shocked. But in the long run, the only fear she had was not to become a democracy again.

Another thing I learned from this movie was that a mask creates chaos. Because of one mask, you are unknown and can do anything you want. For example on halloween, the people who have mask on, run around the school. With a mask on, you are irrational and do not think clearly, which in this movie, is a good thing.

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