Wednesday, November 12, 2008

destruction of property? part II

So in the extras, Spike Lee talks about how all the 'white people' were more shocked on the fact of the destruction of property. Spike Lee thought that the strangling of Radio Rahiem was more powerful.

However, from my point of view. I think it's because the white people knew Radio Rahiem might have died. And although it was powerful, I think the 'white people' of this time could probably relate more to the Sal's business because he "built it with his own two hands. " I don't think they are being racist... well, that's a possiblity. But 'white people' could never relate to a person being killed in a riot, while he was trying to kill some one else. If anything, Radio Rahiem deserved it just as much.

Another thing I thought was interesting about the extra "interview" with Spike Lee was all the reviews that Do The Right Thing was getting. I found myself to be slightly offended too. These critics need to breathe and calm down. since Spike Lee is such a respected black director in a white industry, he took a big risk bringing this movie a large white audience. Because this interview was probably bias, a lot of these movie reviews sounded racist. Unless the movie critic is plain STUPID, in no way what so ever is this movie trying to provoke the audience to create riots in order to justify the ends. If anything the movie expresses what would happen if violence did occur - it creates more violence, and life goes back to normal.

This movie is supposed to awaken the US about what is happening in the ghettos; that lives are constantly being killed due to racism. I did think this movie was very good, but I'm still upset at how it ended. However it is strong characters like Mokie that make a movie. Mokie has the character to "fight" for what he believes in, he "set at limit" to how much he destroyed Sal's restaurant, and he was righteous in the amount he wanted to paid.. I still can not believe he had the guts to go back to Sal to get money. ... Where does Spike Lee come up with these ideas?......

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

piece by piece

Oh the rubix cube, how you have taken over the school. This short documentry has opened my eyes about the world and the rubix cube. I always knew that you can find out how to figure it out online, no matter what the size is. Which is probably how everybody in this movie learned, minus the Swedish guy.
But what I really learned was that there was actually a world of competitive "cubers." Who knew people actually did competitions? I was also surprised at how all these cubers eat, breath and sleep cubing. I don't this this is for me but i'm not amazed by how people can do it. But I am amazed when it comes to, how fast they can do it one handed and the "art" of doing it blind folded.
The Rubix Cube has become such a new media topic. It has been shown countless times on tv, such as Beauty and the Geek. Over all, I think the short did a good job showing what the Rubix cube is all about and how it is played today.

pick a side man.

I find the movie poster quote interesting. "It's the hottest day of the summer, You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can do the right thing." It makes me wonder about the movie even more. Because this movie leaves you questioning it, not with answers. This movie, Do the Right Thing, is based in Brooklyn in 1989.

The question the movie brings up since the first 5 minutes of the movie is the balence between the view points of Martin Luther King and Malcom X. Instead of the movie showing both sides of the arguement, I rather it be slightly bias. I'm not sure why, but I think I would enjoy the movie more either arguing with or agreeing with the movie.

The scene in this movie that made it unforgetable was starting when Sal (Danny Ailleo) told Mookie (Spike Lee) that he was part of their Italian family (business). Next thing you know, two boys who were just plain loud and obnoxious came in and disruppted the store. Sal ended up smashing Radio Rahiem's radio. Sal didnt need to go that far, but that was his raw emotions. Next thing you know, agressive anger vs agressive anger means fighting. But the first mind-blowing scene was when the police officers came, strangled and killed Radio Raheim. Right after that, Mookie, family, threw a trash can into the store and a riot started. That was just as shocking. But for me, it wasnt the fact that he was destroying property; it was the fact that he was destroying family.

However, my reaction is different from people in the 1990's because watching it now and knowing history, I knew that these events have happened, and I wasnt surprised. But at the same time I gasped and was shocked at the fact that he was strangled. On the other side of the argument, he was trying to kill someone else. He probably would have been tried for a death sentence anyway. But the fact that you would destroy your boss' store is shocking too. On top of that, he wasn't destroying Sal's place because of Sal but because he was mad at the police officers, which Sal had started the fight. I dont understand why Sal should get the blame for something the police did. Sal was defenseless against Radio Rahiem anyway. I'm not sure if either one could be justified. And when you see the riot happen, you realize that it shows what happens with violence (Malcom X). But it also leads the viewer to their own imagination about what could of happened if this was all nonviolence. (MLK)

I honestly think that if Mookie would have stop and thought, he would of realized how violence, in the end didnt solve anything. It didnt bring Radio Rahiem back. It didnt bring back Buggin Out. And it certainly did not change neither the police officers nor Sal's minds about what happened. I obviously support nonviolence because I think breaking a window will only create more violence, which it did.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Anastasia... because im not creative enough.

This weekend I saw the movie, Anastasia. My friends and I were bored, so we decided to hang out in my house and watch a movie. So we went to the library and spent 30 minutes trying to pick out a movie. Happy movies... yeah, we went into the children's library. Haha. As we saw Anastasia we all talked about how much we loved that movie when we were little.. but we all didn't remember it. So we watched it.

What I found funny was that when we started to watch it, my friends and I were talking about how historically inaccurate it was. No joke. We paused the movie and refreshed our minds about the real details of the movie. In the movie, the bad guy was Rasputin. As a 6 year old, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even think of the names. And as his name came up saying about how he was banished from the house, I screamed, "HEY, THAT'S ACTUALLY TRUE." Oh boy. However, at first (since I didn't remember the movie) I was upset at how the movie was accurate for about 5 seconds... But then I realized it was a children's movie. And when I started yelling at a the TV for saying that it was historically inaccurate that the grandmother was alive in Paris, I remembered this movie wasn't real. But instead this movie a clever twist of what could of/should of happened. I find it funny how you can see how different you view movies over the years.

Oh and the fact that the movie wasn't a clique Disney movie was cool too. Instead, this movie actually bought real, HUMAN emotions of betrayal into it. Good job to whatever unknown company made this.


rushmore is awkward stuff.

This movie was the weirdest movie of my entire life. This movie defined the word: awkward. The plot of the movie revolves around the unrealistic characters. Max Fisher ( Jason Schwartzman) who goes to a private academy school because they found talent in him as a younger child. However, he becomes too involved in making different clubs and becomes a failure in his academics. First of all, I don't understand how you can take your time to research how to keep beehives, learn how to fence, make plays but can't study math. Honestly. Ok second, fantasy or realistic, a schoolshould not let a student BLOW UP a set because of a play.

Another thing I dont like about this movie is about how creepy it is. I dont understand how a student can simply fall in love with a teacher because of a quote.... are you dumb? I dont like how Max falls in love so quickly. You could see it by the giant aquarium he tries to make. Second, a teacher should not stop by to talk to a student in front of her house. Third, he tried to get her to kiss him in her house by faking an accident. Forth, the other teacher falls in love with her randomly....

I also dont like the fact that everything that is unreal in this movie, is possible in the movie. I feel like its a movie about someones weird imagination with everyone living in a world where teachers hanging out with students is cool. I guess I dont like this because in the beginning of the movie, they make the school seem so realistic.