Wednesday, September 24, 2008

you humans always make a mess of things

This is my second time watching this movie. Although the first time I watched this movie I really enjoyed it, watching it a second time in Art of Film really opened my eyes. The first time I watched this movie was a few years ago, I didnt think about the morals they were trying to teach, I was simply just watching the animation.

The one thing I noticed both times was the animation and imagination. The animation is so real and now that I learned that each frame was drawn, I am still mind boggled by that idea. The imagination of Miyazaki was also another thing I noticed both times. I still don't understand how Miyazaki can create such a world, with such great monsters and such an interesting plot just with his imagination.

This time, the two themes that stuck in my head - that I never realized before - was the theme of love and the environment. I dont know why but the first time I watched the movie I didnt realize that Chihiro and Haku were in love...even though Haku is a river....... [a person and a river in love?] But this love story was so inspiring because of how quickly they fell (not even fell, were destined) in love together.

The second theme I really admired about this movie was the environmental theme. I really thought it was so creative to incorporate it in an animation movie. The first point was Chihiro's parents turning into pigs. More points where we were able to see this theme was when Sen pulled out the thorn of the river god, how much no face consumed, and when Haku's river doesn't exist anymore because they built on top of it. I've never thought of a movie indirectly showing children what it is like to be gluttonous. I thought it was clever and I really think that more movies should show this concept to the world.

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