Saturday, December 6, 2008

the classic that started it all.

Really? This movie was that great to start all love stories? I don't think I can say that this movie is the number one movie. I thought this movie showed Ilsa, Ingrid Bergman, as more of a stronger woman compared to a women who would be portrayed by Hitchcock. In the beginning of this movie I thought Rick, Humphrey Borgart, was too weak to be a man. Why? He was childish and immature when he first met Ilsa. He drank to try to forget about her.

Ilsa, on the other hand, still wanted to explain herself. To me, this movie seemed so cliche. But thats probably because all other movies copied from it. Its about the girl who left and came back with "another man." However, finds herself to still be in love. And the "old" man must let her go. Bleh. On top of that, I didn't think the cinematopgraphy was that great either. I dont know what to say about the movie because it did not live up to my standards - or at least, what I was expecting.

The one part I did enjoy though was when in the bar, the french sang above the german anthem. I thought that part was clever and showed how Rick still had morals and beliefs to stand too. Rather than just be about buisness.

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