Monday, January 5, 2009

underrated movies.

Movie critics suck. Either that or my choice in movies are really bad. I enjoy mostly comedy movies of any kind. But, i'm also a sucker for any type of romance. Plus, I love children movies. I don't know why but I do. And I really think that children movies or movies directed towards teens are underrated. Some of these movies are so funny and at the same time, give out a great message.
So here's my list of underrated children/teen movies. (In no particular order)

-All Disney Classics. Although today's Disney's animations are highly acclaimed (i.e. Finding Nemo, The Incredibles) most of the classics - except for Lion King and kind of Alladin - are underrated. Mulan and Hercules are great movies. And critics should be even more amused by them, since they put in jokes for adults. When your a child, these movies are amusing; but, when your older, these movies are so funny. For example, when I was watching Mulan, Mushu blows the Han's volture on fire and then says "That's some good Mongolian BBQ." That's something a kid would never get, but now, I laughed and appreciated that joke. And in Hercules, Hercules says, "Wow. What a day. First that restaurant by the bay. And then that, that play, that, that, that Oedipus thing. Man, I thought I had problems." My friends who I was watching the movie, started laughing so hard. I, not studying AP Eng or Latin, was clueless. They explained to me the story of Oedipus, who killed his mother and father. After understanding this, or any other greek methology, the movie just gets funnier.

- She's The Man. This movie stars Amanda Bynes; who in my opinion, is definitely a way underrated actress. Although this movie was very popular, probably due to her costar, Channing Tatum, it still did not do well with the critics. In this movie Bynes switches from a boy to a girl character. She acts as her brother and then when necessary switches back to herself. I don't think any other actress can pull off the "boy look" as well as she does. The way she goes from boy to girl is amazing. In all her acting, Byne's facial expressions, voice and emotion brings out the laughter in the audience. Overall, the movie had a good plot and some very funny scenes. It's what you expect out of a classic teenager comedy.

- Stick It. That's right. Beat you never heard of this movie before. This movie also came out in 2006; however, it did not do so well in box office. But, it was a great movie. The movie stars Missy Peregrym - a Hilary Swank look-a-like. This juvinile girl is an ex- pro gymnast. But due to running into the law, she goes back to an olympic gymnastic training camp. The trailer,, is nothing like the movie. The movie suprised me about what it was about: self deterimination, what you can learn from others, and defying the rules. In the end, the movie was about a girl finding herself through a sport. And in the process, letting the peoples voice (the gymnasts) be heard against the crazy rules of gymnastic. It also shows how much training these gymnasts need.

- Chick Flicks. Ok... Maybe I'm being biased. But really, I don't understand why chick flicks gets such low ratings! Just because its not about some serious matter like, Blood Diamond or The Pianist. But some of these movies are perfectly relaxing movies to watch. Which in my book, if it makes you relaxed and laugh without having a really dumb plot, the movie should be decent. Examples: The Princess Diaries, Devil Wears Prada, August Rush.

- Howl's Moving Castle/Spirited Away. In the US anime is always underrated. There is some previous image in American's minds that japanese animation is not good. However these two movies will blow your mind away. I remember that Howl's Moving Castle was one of my favorite books. And watching the movie only seemed even more real.

Here are some more movies:
- Stranger than Fiction
- Evan Almighty

(To be continued, when I think of more)

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